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Erasmus policy statement

The aim of being awarded a new ECHE is an effort of the university to continue in the internalisation of education and thus to enhance the quality and competitiveness of our university.  

There is no plan to broaden the Erasmus programme quantitatively, but qualitatively. While entering into new bilateral contracts for years 2021-2029, our goal is to conclude qualitative contracts with those partners whose study programmes will overlap, and the mutual compatibility of the courses will be evident. This choice of partners is very important for the process of recognition of part of our students’ studies, returning from their mobility.  

As far as our university is concerned, participating in the Erasmus programme opens a space for broader international cooperation. International cooperation is necessary for improving the university. Continuously-developing needs of labour market at national and international levels require qualified graduates of higher education, with an international reach. The integration of international elements into higher education, experience exchange during the participation in mobility and the development of language and cultural skills of university students and staff increase the competitiveness in education. The goal of participating in the Erasmus programme is to enhance the qualification level of students and staff by taking part in foreign study stays or traineeships. Since the students and staff are given opportunities to participate in the study or traineeship abroad, it contributes to the compensation of brain drain and at the same time the circulation of brain, which will ensure a continuous exchange of the most current knowledge directly on the home ground. The process of internationalisation and quality enhancement of higher education will strengthen the status of our university not only within the Slovak university framework, but in the European context.  

Slovak higher education institutions are less internationalised. On average, 3 per cent of Slovak students leave their country for another as well as a few foreigners study in Slovakia. In the next period, to achieve internationalisation, Trnava University will:

- increase professionalism of administration by recruiting one person speaking English for each pedagogical department,

- increase actively implemented, and not only formally provided study programmes in English, and at the same time provide mutual education of foreign and Slovak students,

- ensure a sufficient number of teachers prepared to conduct courses in English (this goal will be achieved by increasing the number of foreign academicians and postgraduates at our university),
- increase marketing mobility of teachers and students (organising informational seminars, updating the information on the university website).



Erasmus Policy Statement (Overall Strategy)