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Questionnaire measurements

Quality Rating - Students


The University has in place a mechanism for using the results of teacher evaluation by students. In the field of obtaining feedback on the teacher's teaching performance, one of the means at the University and faculties thereof is an anonymous "course" questionnaire, mapping indicators of the quality of education which allows to obtain feedback from the student. The same provides an opportunity to analyse the quality of teaching of the teacher in more depth, to make teaching more effective and, in particular, to improve the didactic and social competence of the teacher in order to increase his/her own satisfaction with the performance in the educational process, as well as the satisfaction of students with the quality of teaching.

Student feedback related to the effectiveness and availability of supporting material, technical and information resources is collected primarily through a questionnaire on the quality of education at all faculties. The results of student satisfaction questionnaires and the quality of the educational process are published twice a year on the website of the University or faculties.

I. Evaluations of questionnaire surveys of students at individual faculties (available in Slovak language)

Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Health and Social Work
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Law

II. Opinions of evaluations of questionnaire surveys of overall student satisfaction at the institutional level (available in Slovak language):

The opinion of the management of TU on the evaluation of the satisfaction with the quality of teaching and material, technical and information resources for the academic year 2020/2021 (also published in the TU News)

The opinion of the management of TU of the evaluation of the survey "Satisfaction with the quality of teaching and material, technical and information resources for the academic year 2019/2020" (also published in the TU News)

Opinion of the Trnava University management of the evaluation of the survey "Satisfaction with the quality of teaching and material equipment in the academic year 2018/19" (also published in TU News)


Quality Rating - Graduates


With a view to a closer link between studies and the labour market, the University and faculties thereof, through a questionnaire on the graduates finding jobs as well as in cooperation with relevant state institutions, regularly monitor and annually evaluate the employment of graduates thereof.

I. Evaluation of questionnaire surveys of the of graduates finding jobs at individual faculties (available in Slovak language)

Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Health Services and Social Work
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Law

II. Evaluation of questionnaire surveys of the graduates finding jobs at the institutional level (available in Slovak language)

Opinions of the TU management of the evaluation of questionnaire surveys of the employment of graduates and those two years after graduation at the institutional level (available in Slovak language)


Quality Rating - Employees


An anonymous questionnaire of employee satisfaction which is filled in by creative and administrative employees of the University is used to ascertain employee satisfaction with the level of management, communication, material security, financial evaluation, motivation, possibility of career job prospects within the defined objectives. Evaluation thereof serves as a management control tool for individual management levels.

Evaluation of questionnaire surveys of employee satisfaction (available in Slovak language)


Timetable for the implementation of questionnaire surveys at the Trnava University


I.     Student surveys

  • Title: "Summer Term Course Survey"  (questionnaire survey focused on the evaluation of courses in Summer Term);
    Deadline: 01 June – 30 June
  • Title: "Winter Term Course Survey"  (questionnaire survey aimed at evaluating courses in the Winter Term);
    Date: beginning of the Winter Term trial period - end of the Winter Term trial period
  • Title: "Satisfaction with the quality of teaching and material, technical and information resources" (questionnaire survey on the quality of education);
    Deadline: 01 June - 30 June

II. Graduate Surveys

  • Title: "Graduate Survey" (questionnaire survey aimed at graduates finding jobs );
    Deadline: October - November
  • Title: "Graduate Survey two years after graduation"  (questionnaire survey focused on the graduates finding jobs two years after graduation);
    Deadline: October -  November

III. Employee Surveys

  • Title: "Employee Satisfaction Survey" (questionnaire survey of satisfaction of creative and administrative employees);
    Deadline: April - May
