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The University's Quality Assurance Analysis and Strategies Unit

Description of the unit activity


The competence of the unit for analyses and strategies in the field of quality assurance of the Trnava University in the field of quality assurance and  internal evaluation at the University is determined by the Statute of the University, internal regulation of the University and internal regulations on the internal system. (Article 24, Section 1 of the Internal System Regulation). The main activities of the unit are specified in the internal regulation No. 2/2021 Organisational Regulations of the Rector´s Gremium of the Trnava University and No. 9/2021 Appendix No. 1 to the Organisational Regulations of Rector´s Gremium of the TU.

The University's Quality Assurance Analysis and Strategies Unit shall methodically manage the field of activity and development of the internal system of the University. Article 24, Section 2 of the internal regulation on the internal system).

In particular, the Quality Assurance Analysis and Strategies Unit shall:

(a) in the field of the internal quality assurance system

  • prepare the documents and comprehensive analyses for the maintenance, application, functionality, control, evaluation and guidance of the internal quality system of the University in accordance with the applicable internal regulation on the internal system of the University (hereinafter referred to as the "internal system regulation");
  • ensure the monitoring of trends and selected indicators of the performance and success of the University's activities for the needs of the management of the University, faculties and units thereof;
  • prepare the documents for the review of the internal quality system by the management of the TU in cooperation with the responsible owners of the evaluated processes and activities;
  • ensure a quality-oriented survey of the selected target groups' views in all areas of activity and process the results of the survey in the form of a report for the management of the University, faculties and units thereof;
  • ensure the creation of a university evaluation report on the implementation of the internal system in accordance with Article 15, Section 3 of the Internal System Directive;
  • prepare proposals for regulations or amendments to the internal legislation of the University in the field of quality; cooperate with the Board for Internal Quality Assessment of the Trnava University in obtaining proposals and suggestions for improving quality in all areas of the University's activity;
  • provide methodological support to the faculties and workplaces of the University;
  • develop activities to promote the exchange of experience in the field of quality assurance in the university's internal environment (internal benchmarking);
  • organizationally participate in the provision of training and seminars related to quality assurance and improvement at the University, implement training on the quality assurance system for new employees of the University;
  • submit comments and proposals on the functioning of the quality assurance system to the Rector of the University at regular intervals during the academic year;
  • ensure the promotion of quality assurance materials and the publication of outputs on the University's website;
  • provide organisational and administrative support for the activities of the Internal Quality Assessment Board of the Trnava University

b) in the field of external quality assessment

  • in connection with the activities referred to in Item 1, implement activities in the preparation of documentation for external evaluation/accreditation of TU at the national, foreign and international and Union level.

c) in the field of foreign, international and Union evaluation/accreditation

  • follow developments in the field of foreign, international and Union evaluation/accreditation and provide information to the management of the University;
  • comprehensively provide documentation according to the methodology established for the specific type of evaluation/accreditation;
  • organizationally and technically ensure the course of evaluation/accreditation.

d) in the field of national, foreign, international and Union rankings

  • carry out comprehensive activities related to national, foreign, international and Union rankings;
  • ensure the provision of data to rankings in which the University is involved and actively cooperate with the ranking organisers;
  • follow trends in rankings and prepare information and background material for university management decisions;
  • provide information on the status of the University's placement in the participating rankings; develop activities to ensure the University's entry into the rankings.


Staffing of the Unit


PhDr. Adriana Krupová, PhD.

  • Director of the Department
  • Rector´s Gremium Director
  • Coordinator of consultations with Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education

Contact Details:

e-mail: adriana.krupova [at]

tel.: +421 33 5939 395; fax: +421 33 5511129

office: R-TU, 1st floor, Hornopotočná 23, 918 43 Trnava


Mgr. Vladimír Filipovič

  • Secretary of the Board for Internal Quality Assessment of the Trnava University (IQAB)
  • Professional Desk Officer

Contact Details:

e-mail: vladimir.filipovic [at]

tel.: +421 33 5939 300

office: R-TU, 1st floor, Hornopotočná 23, 918 43 Trnava


Mgr. Julia Gajdošová

  • Analyst

Contact Details:

email: julia.gajdosova [at]

tel.: +421 33 5939 299

office: R-TU, 1st floor, Hornopotočná 23, 918 43 Trnava
