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Habilitation and inauguration procedures

Habilitation procedures and procedures for the appointment of Professors (inaugural procedures) at the Trnava University (hereinafter referred to as TU) are based on the Directive on the Internal System of Quality Assurance and Evaluation of University Education. TU shall in accordance with the valid authorizations, general statutes and internal regulations of the University, be authorized to decide on awarding scientific and teaching degrees of Professor to those candidates who meet the requirements resulting from the relevant standards and meet the criteria and their specifics within the individual fields of habilitation and inauguration procedures.

The starting point for the content and qualitative fulfilment of habilitation procedures and inauguration procedure shall in particular be the Standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education for habilitation procedures and inauguration procedures of July 2, 2020 and general statutes , which are  the Act no. 269/2018 Coll. on Ensuring the Quality of University Education Amending the Act no. 343/2015 Coll. on Public Procurement Amending Certain Acts as amended,  the Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education Amending Certain Acts as amended, the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Research, Science and Sports of the Slovak Republic. the Act no. 246/2019 Coll. on the Procedure for Obtaining Scientific and Teaching Degrees and Artistic and Teaching Degrees of Associate Professor and Professor, the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Research, Science and Sports of the Slovak Republic. the Act no. 244/2019 Coll. on the Status of Study Programmes in the Slovak Republic, the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Research, Science and Sports of the Slovak Republic. the Act no. 16/2016 Coll. which Establishes Professional Organizations Members of which Perform Regulated Profession with the Right to Use of Professional Degrees and Regulated Professions with the Coordination of Education and Decree no. 296/2010 Coll. of the Government of the Slovak Republic on Professional Qualifications in the Area of Medicine, on Continuing Education of Medical Staff, on the System of Specialized Branches and the System of Certified Work Activities as amended.

The internal regulations of the University governing habilitation and inauguration procedures and other related activities are:

Internal regulations of the faculties, habilitation procedures and procedures for the appointment of Professors and current proceedings:

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Health Services and Social Work

Faculty of Theology

At the TU, there is a group of five people for each of the implemented fields of habilitation procedures and the procedure for appointing Professors, who worked for a fixed weekly hours and who have responsibility for developing and ensuring the quality of the HI department. The persons concerned shall be scientifically or artistically active at the TU in the field of the HIP or in the related field. At least two of them shall be in the position of Professor and hold the degree of Professor and other persons shall at least be in the position of Associate Professor and hold that degree. In the case of the Department of the HIP, the definition of which is connected with preparation of experts for a regulated occupation   with the coordination of education listed in the appendix 2 to the Decree no. 16/2016 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic, which Establishes Professional Organizations Members of which Perform Regulated Profession with the Right to Use of Professional Degrees and Regulated Professions with the Coordination of Education and Decree no. 296/2010 Coll. of the Government of the Slovak Republic on Professional Qualifications in the Area of Medicine, on Continuing Education of Medical Staff, on the System of Specialized Branches and the System of Certified Work Activities as amended. Meeting this requirement only requires that there are three persons in the field of HIP or in the relevant field at the TU working for fixed weekly working hours and that one of them at least is in the position of Professor and holds that degree and another is in the position of Associate Professor and holds that degree.

TU are authorized to conduct habilitation and inauguration procedures in the following fields of habilitation and inauguration procedures:


Faculty Name: Faculty of Arts

Study Programme

Subject of Habilitation and Inauguration Procedures

Persons in charge of the development and quality assurance of the subject

Time Limit

History and Theory of Fine Arts and Architecture

History and Theory of Fine Arts and Architecture

Professor PhDr. Ivan Gerát, PhD.

Professor MSc. Adam Bžoch, PhD.

Assoc Prof. MSc. Ingrid Halászová, PhD. (Štibraná)

Assoc Prof. MSc. Katarína Ihringová, PhD.

Assoc Prof. MSc. Peter Megyeši, PhD.

No time limit

Systematic Philosophy

Systematic Philosophy

Assoc Prof. Mgr. et Mgr. Peter Šajda, PhD., extr. prof.

Professor Dr. Mgr. Tomáš Hauer

Assoc Prof. MSc. Anton Vydra, PhD.

Assoc Prof. MSc. Jaroslava Vydrová, PhD.

Assoc Prof. MSc. Milan Petkanič, PhD.

No time limit

Classical Archaeology

Classical Archaeology

Prof. PhDr. Vladimír Varsik, CSc.

Professor PhDr. Eduard Droberjar, PhD.

Assoc Prof. Dr.phil. Erik Hrnčiarik

Assoc Prof. MSc. Lucia Nováková, PhD.

Assoc Prof. MSc. Miroslava Daňová, PhD.

No time limit

Slovak History and History

Slovak History

Professor PhDr. Vladimír Rábik, PhD.

Assoc Prof. PhDr. Zuzana Lopatková, PhD., extr. prof.

Assoc Prof. MSc. Miloš Marek, PhD.

Assoc Prof. MSc. Peter Labanc, PhD.

Assoc Prof. MSc. Pavol Jakubčin, PhD.

No time limit



Professor MSc. Peter Halama, PhD.

Assoc Prof. PhDr. Marián Špajdel, PhD., extr. prof.

Assoc Prof. PhDr. Mária Dědová, PhD.

Assoc Prof. PhDr. Peter Žitný, PhD.

Assoc Prof. PaedDr. Vladimíra Kurincová Čavojová, PhD.

No time limit


Faculty Name: Faculty of Education

Study Programme

Subject of Habilitation and Inauguration Procedures

Persons in charge of the development and quality assurance of the Subject

Time Limit

Slovak Language and Literature

Slovak Language and Literature

Professor PaedDr. René Bílik, CSc.

Professor PaedDr. Eva Vitézová, PhD.

Assoc Prof. PhDr. Gabriela Magalová, PhD.

Assoc Prof. PhDr. Juraj Hladký, PhD.

Assoc Prof. PaedDr. Andrej Závodný, PhD.

No time limit



Professor PhDr. Branislav Pupala, CSc.

Professor PaedDr. Ondrej Kaščák, PhD.

Professor PhDr. Ing. Blanka Kudláčová, PhD.

Professor PhDr. Ivan Lukšík, CSc.

Professor PhDr. Olga Zapotočná, CSc.

No time limit

Course Didactics

Course Didactics

Professor PaedDr. Silvia Pokrivčáková, PhD.

Professor Dr. László Imre Komlósi, CSc.

Professor PhDr. Anton Pokrivčák, PhD.

Assoc Prof. PhDr. Jana Bérešová, PhD. et PhD.

Assoc Prof. MSc. Hana Vančová, PhD.

No time limit


Faculty Name: Faculty of Health Services and Social Work

Study Programme

Subject of Habilitation and Inauguration Procedures

Persons in charge of the development and quality assurance of the Subject

Time Limit

Laboratory Testing Methods in Health Care

Laboratory Testing Methods in Health Care

Professor RNDr. František Ondriska, PhD.

Assoc Prof. Ing. Stanislava Blažíčková, PhD.

Professor RNDr. Vladimír Bošák, CSc.

Professor RNDr. Marie Korabečná, PhD.

Assoc Prof. RNDr. Martina Horváthová, PhD., MPH

No time limit

Social Work

Social Work

Professor PhDr. Eva Mydlíková, PhD.

Professor MUDr. Jaroslav Slaný, CSc.

Professor PhDr. MSc. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD.

Assoc Prof. PhDr. Miriam Slaná, PhD.

Assoc Prof. PhDr. Ondrej Botek, PhD.

No time limit

Public Health Services

Public Health Services

Professor MUDr. Martin Rusnák, CSc.

Professor PhDr. Marek Majdan, MSc., PhD.

Professor MUDr. Viera Rusnáková, CSc., MBA

Assoc Prof.  PhDr. Mgr. Róbert Ochaba, PhD., MPH

Assoc Prof.  PhDr. Daniela Kállayová, PhD., MPH

No time limit


Faculty Name: Faculty of Law

Study Programme

Subject of Habilitation and Inauguration Procedures

Persons in charge of the development and quality assurance of the Subject

Time Limit


Civil Law

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Monika Jurčová, PhD., extr. prof.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Kristián Csach, PhD. LL.M.

Professor JUDr. Karel Eliáš, Dr.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Veronika Kleňová, PhD.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Lucia Žitňanská, PhD.

No time limit


Labour Law

Professor JUDr. Mgr. Andrea Olšovská, PhD.

Professor JUDr. Helena Barancová, CSc.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Viktor Križan, PhD.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Miloš Lacko, PhD.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Marianna Novotná, PhD., extr. prof.

No time limit


Theory and History of the State and Law

Professor JUDr. PhDr. Tomáš Gábriš, PhD. et PhD., LLM. M.A.

Assoc Prof.  MSc. Marek Káčer, PhD.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Miriam Laclavíková, PhD., extr. prof.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. PhDr. Adriána Švecová, PhD.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Peter Vyšný, Ph.D.

No time limit


Criminal Law

Professor JUDr. Ivan Šimovček, CSc.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Miloš Deset, PhD.

Professor JUDr. Ing. Adrián Jalč, PhD.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Eva Szabová, PhD.

Assoc Prof. JUDr. Miroslava Vráblová, PhD.

No time limit


Faculty Name: Faculty of Theology

Study Programme

Subject of Habilitation and Inauguration Procedures

Persons in charge of the development and quality assurance of the Subject

Time Limit

Catholic Theology

Catholic Theology

Professor ThLic. Miloš Lichner SJ, D.Th.

Professor RNDr. ThDr. Ladislav Csontos, PhD.

Assoc Prof. Jozef Žuffa, PhD.

Assoc Prof. PaedDr. ThDr. Šimon Marinčák, PhD.

Assoc Prof.. SSLic. Jozef Tiňo, PhD.

No time limit


IBQ decisions on the authority to conduct habilitation and inauguration procedures: a inauguracne konania/

The honorary title of "Professor emeritus of the Trnava University" may be awarded by the Rector of the Trnava University upon the proposal of the Scientific Council of the relevant faculty of the University once approved by the Scientific Council of the University in accordance with the Higher Education  Act for significant contributions in the field of science or arts and education to a Professor over 65 years of age who has left employment with the University, or with one of its faculties as a full professor, and continues to be active scientifically and as a teacher at the University or a faculty thereof.

The Rector upon a proposal of the Scientific Council of the Trnava University, grants important domestic and foreign personalities the degree of "doctor honoris causa" of the Trnava University at the formal meeting of the Scientific Council of the University and the scientific councils of faculties thereof.

The Rector also grants the academic degree of visiting professor to personalities of the relevant scientific disciplines or recognized domestic and foreign experts during their time at the TU units on the proposal of the Scientific Council.