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International relations

Dear students, 

we are pleased to welcome you on the official website of the International Relations Office of Trnava university in Trnava. Here you find information about Trnava university, detailed information about getting to and living in Trnava. Erasmus students will acquire all knowledge needed to submit the documents in order to come to the Trnava University.

The staff of International Relations Office hope that you will find the website both useful and informative and also interesting enough to encourage you to come and join us. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or by phone. You are always welcome in our office. Thank you for visiting us.


The development of international cooperation is one of the principal priorities of Trnava University in Trnava. The internationalisation of activities accounts for the key domain of the development of the university and its faculties in the context of our membership in the European Union as well as in the perspective of future development.

Read the full Internationalization Strategy here.


International relations office, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Hornopotočná 23, 918 43  Trnava  |  ERASMUS Code: SK TRNAVA01, PIC Code: 994330026, E-mail: international [at]

prof. ThDr. Miloš Lichner, PhD., SJ
Vice-rector for external relations and cooperation
Erasmus Institutional Coordinator
Tel.: +421 33 59 39 214 

Ing. Mária Hercegová
Erasmus Outgoing students, Erasmus bilateral agreements, Erasmus Incoming/Outgoing teachers
Tel.: +421 33 59 39 207 | E-mail: maria.hercegova [at]

Ing. Eva Filipová
Erasmus Incoming students, International Cooperation
Tel.: +421 33 59 39 207 | E-mail: eva.filipova [at]