JUDr. Zuzana Nevolná, PhD.
Vice-Rector for Education, Accreditation, and Quality
Tel.: +421 33 5939 206
zuzana.nevolna [at] truni.sk
prof. PhDr. Vladimír Rábik, PhD.
Vice-Rector for Scientific and Artistic Activities
Tel.: +421 33 5939 214
vladimir.rabik [at] truni.sk
Prof. PhDr. Marek Majdan, PhD.
Vice-Rector for Development
Tel.: +421 33 5939 206
marek.majdan [at] truni.sk
doc. Dana Masaryková, PhD.
commisined Vice-Rector for External Relations
Tel.: +421 33 5939 214
dana.masarykova [at] truni.sk