Modular Academic Information System
It serves as a record of studies from sending the application form for the studies up to graduation. The student, teacher or assistant shall obtain access to MAIS in line with rules for origination and expiration of access to UIS integrated with IDM .
Študijný referent | Pedagóg | Študent | Verejný portál MAIS (testovacia prevádzka) |
Instruction on how to solve potential problems:
- If you have any problems with the webpage loading, look first at the below requirements for Internet browser.
- If you log into MAIS for the first time and you have not yet logged in on the portal for user account administration, follow according to manual for first login. We also recommend the manual Brief guide to the MAIS system.
- If you have already logged in on the portal for user account administration and you have problems with logging into MAIS, you can find a solution to the problem using elimination procedure under this manual. Describe the problems with login into your interface to idm [at] Do not send requests to the forgotten password renewal, portal for user account administration is self-service. The request is eligible only if you forgot answers to all security questions (the password in this case is only renewed for a fee, for more information see the mentioned manuals). Please send problems regarding application MAIS to mais [at] (i.e. not to idm [at]
- Providing the user needs an urgent help to solve this problem in the application, they may use the services of Help desk MAIS at 042/444 20 92 in the time from 9.00 am - 3.00 pm (Monday to Friday). NOTICE Help desk MAIS does not solve problems with login data into MAIS!
- If you need a personal consultation with the MAIS administrator, you may use the consultation hours for students from Tuesday to Friday from 10.00 to 11.00. (we recommend to arrange a meeting in advance).
- If you find a mistake in your personal data or any of the courses is not entered, please contact the Student´s Affair department of your faculty.
- If you find incorrect or missing information in the record of your studies, please contact your Departmental trustee or Departmental administrator or Faculty MAIS system administrator. How to contact the faculty MAIS administrators:
Mgr.Ladislav Tkáčik, OFMCap, PhD. | ladislavtkacik [at] | 033/5939 338 (210) | |
doc. Ing. Viera Peterková, PhD. | viera.peterkova [at] | 033/5514 516 | |
FZASP | Mgr. Michal Rafajdus | mrafajdus [at] | 033/5939 451 |
PF |
Mgr. Peter Mach, PhD. JUDr. Mgr. Andrea Olšovská |
pmach [at] aolsov [at] |
033/5939 620 033/5939 645 |
TF | Mgr. Martin Šarkan, PhD. | sarkanmar [at] | 0911/764 699 |
Requirements for browser
Student interface is functional from all browsers. However, we recommend Firefox 2.x or higher version.
For other interfaces use only Firefox 2.x or higher version.
1. In the browser it is necessary to pre-set :
- cookies
- pop-up windows
- java script
2. For new browsers (Firefox 3.x; IE 7.x) it is necessary to add exception for a certificate on this page.
After opening the page, the browser will write: The secured connection failed
It is necessary to click : Or you can add exception…
Then: Add exception – Get certificate – Confirm security excpetion.
3. For correct printing from "My courses" it is necessary to have the correct localisation in the browser.
Nástroje(Tools / Edit) - Možnosti(Preferences) - Obsah(Contents) - Jazyky (Languages) - Slovak [sk] – must be up.