Announcement of the third repeated election of a candidate for the post of Rector of the University of Trnava in Trnava February 21, 2024
Announcement of the second repeated election of a candidate for the post of Rector of the University of Trnava in Trnava October 25, 2023
On the way to a fully European university. KreativEU representatives on a visit to Trnava April 24, 2023
Announcement of the repeated election of a candidate for the post of Rector of the University of Trnava in Trnava March 23, 2023
Zdravá striedmosť (Salubris moderatio) v živote a v myslení sv. Cypriána z Kartága Prof. Miloš Lichner, SJ 14,00 €
Sme krásni, keď milujeme. 101 myšlienok svätého Augustína pre pohladenie duše Prof. Miloš Lichner, SJ, Barbora Likavská 9,00 €