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Trnava University hosts a seminar on the Heritage Game project


On 28-29 January 2025, the University of Trnava will welcome participants in an international seminar dedicated to the project Heritage Game: Gamification Model for Community-Based Heritage Work: Selected Best Practices (,  , co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme (project no. 2023-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000154261). The seminar will take place on the university premises at Hornopotočná 23, Trnava, and offers a rich program full of lectures, workshops and practical activities focused on the use of gamification in the protection of cultural heritage.

The international seminar will be attended by more than 60 participants from 7 countries (Portugal, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy and Slovakia). The Heritage Game project is one of the first successes of the European alliance KreativEU (, which received support under the European Universities Call last year, and the University of Trnava in Trnava is its proud partner.

Event program

During the first day of the seminar, participants will be introduced to gamification as a tool for increasing community engagement in the protection of cultural heritage. The programme will also include presentations of local game projects that show how education and fun can be combined through interactive activities. The second day will be dedicated to the practical part, including workshops focused on historical game methodologies and presentations of gamification tools that support the discovery of regional cultural heritage. The program will culminate in a practical demonstration of gamification on the streets of Trnava, where participants can try out the unique combination of game and history in a real environment.

Gamification - combining fun and education:

Gamification uses game mechanisms, such as rewards, challenges or interactive elements, to increase motivation and interest in cultural heritage. This approach makes history, traditions an art more accessible to the general public and encourages active community engagement.