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It is necessary to say opinions to politicians clearly and set boundaries for them

Patrik Herman (foto TRUNI Barbora Likavská)

It is necessary to say opinions to politicians clearly, set boundaries for them, and to remind them what democracy and academic freedoms are about.

This is how political scientist Patrik Herman responds to the Higher Education Act amendment already rejected by academic communities.

Will you say - a political scientist? Yes, Patrik Herman is primarily a well-known TV presenter. However, he studied political science at Trnava University in its beginnings, graduating from the turn of the millennium. He returned to his alma mater years later - no longer, of course, as a student, but as an external lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Arts. He is all the closer to our university because he comes from Trnava and is proud to support it.

He understands political science as a cross-sectional field and has taught it to perceive social events in context. He gained an outlook by reading newspapers as a student and thus convinced the TV hiring committee to hire him. Patrik Herman chose to study at our university because of the personalities of the political and social life lecturing and working at the department at that time.

Aké bolo štúdium na TRUNI? Patrik Herman hovorí, že je to jedno z najkrajších období jeho života. A počas štúdia na Trnavskej univerzite sa mu začali plniť sny. Ako študenti však robili aj vylomeniny, "Mali sme jedného študenta, ktorý jazdil do školy na trabante a ten jeho trabant sme obkolesili, zdvihli zo zeme a pred Trnavskou univerzitou bola krásna fontána, tak sme ten trabant položili rovno do tej fontány." Na túto príhody spomínajú dodnes. 

Čo si myslí o novele vysokoškolského zákona? "Politikom treba ukázať, jasne naznačiť svoj názor, určiť im hranice a mantinely, v ktorých sa môžu pohybovať a možno im tak trošku pripomenúť, o čom je demokracia a o čom sú akademické slobody, pretože niektorí na to zabudli, lebo študovali dávno, alebo vieme, akým spôsobom niektorí vyštudovali, takže toho ducha vysokoškolského nemohli nikdy navnímať...," uzatvára náš absolvent a moderátor P. Herman.

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foto: TRUNI/Barbora Likavská